What is bioidentical hormone replacement?


Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), also known as bioidentical hormone therapy or natural hormone therapy, is a term referring to the use of hormones that are identical on a molecular level with endogenous hormones in hormone replacement therapy.






To Optimize Your Hormones, You Should Consult with the Most Highly Trained physicians


All medicine requires extensive training, balancing hormones especially, and this isn’t something traditionally taught in medical school. The physicians who specialize in BHRT are all required to undergo extensive training as well as complete the Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine focused solely on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.


Who needs Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?


Almost all of us over the age of 40 (and in many cases over 30) begin to experience hormone imbalance. Over our lifetime, we are exposed to environmental and dietary toxins, which contribute to the natural decline of hormones as we age. In order to balance your hormones for optimal health and wellness, it is critical to be evaluated by a highly trained physician – including comprehensive lab testing and in depth initial questionnaires – prior to creating a personalized treatment plan.


Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for You?


Many factors can contribute to conditions and diseases that can occur at any stage in life, resulting from an imbalance of hormones.


Adrenal fatigue

Thyroid disease

Metabolic Syndrome

Sexual dysfunction


As a result of hormone imbalance related to these conditions, you may be experiencing one or a combination of what have become known as the classic symptoms of aging:


Weight gain

Limited energy

Hair loss

Low sex drive


Mood swings


Poor concentratio

Memory loss



If symptoms like these have begun to affect your quality of life, you could be a candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.


The good news, for both men and women, is that hormone loss and imbalance is easily correctible. Through state-of-the-art diagnostic hormone testing, using saliva, urine and/or blood analysis, we can determine your hormone levels and your unique bioidentical hormone needs.